wat is G12 by the way?
G12 basically means Government of 12.
It is a church method which includes cells, encounters, leadership trainings, and the like. Okay, so if you don't know G12, you also prolly have zero idea about the jargons I just mentioned. :D
You may just check this site for further details.
Im just wondering. Do you have a sin that you cant just seem to leave behind? Well, if it's too personal... you dont have to answer this. :)
Since I've accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior (I was born again), I've been delivered from all my sins in the past. That's why Jesus Christ died on the cross for us, anyway -- to wash away all our sins and give us a hope through salvation (we just have to acknowledge and accept Him as the Lord of our lives). After that day until now, I admit to still commit sin but is always being forgiven by the grace of God.
I can say having negative thoughts is the most frequent thing that I try to overcome.
where are you
Did I get lost, kidnapped, or something? :-P
Anyway, my family and I have been through the islands of the Philippines!
Two weeks ago, were in Baguio City (Luzon).
Last week, we were in Davao City (Mindanao).
This week, we've been to Cebu (Visayas). Cool, huh? 8-)
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